Plastic Bath Poufs - Why you should ditch them!
Our Organic Cotton Bath Poufs are a fantastic zero-waste, plastic-free, eco-friendly sustainable swap from a plastic, netting pouf. Not to mention far more luxurious, too - they're a win-win!
Why We Hate Plastic Bath poufs!
We've all seen them, those plastic bath poufs. As well as being made from plastic, there are some other downsides to these plastic shower poufs that you might not have thought of! Here are some reasons why they should be left on the shop shelf and replaced with our Organic Cotton Bath Pouf.
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Plastic: Not-So-Fantastic
Regular bath poufs are most commonly made from nylon because it's tough, stretchy and durable. Nylon is a type of plastic derived from crude oil. In order to turn it into a fabric (whether that's netting for poufs or a pair of stretchy nylon tights!) it is put through an intensive chemical process. The extraction of crude oils to make such plastics has a devastating impact on the wildlife, as well as disastrous oil spills that can cause widespread damage to larger ecosystems.
These crude oils then need to be turned into nylon, a very energy-and-water-hungry process. This often results in environmental contamination and pollution in both our water and air.
Did you know?
The production of nylon produces Nitrous Oxide, which is a greenhouse gas 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide!
You might not think so, but plastic bath poufs can actually be less hygienic than our Organic Cotton Pouf. Despite being plastic, they take far longer to dry and the many small holes and creases in the netting can encourage growth of bacteria and fungi - No thank-you!
And When You're Finished With It?
Apparently, you should replace plastic poufs every 2-4 months, so that's 3-6 poufs in landfill every year.
We estimate these poufs will take at least 100 years to decompose, releasing micro-plastics into the soil.
One year's worth of plastic poufs could take 600 years to decompose in landfill.
Let's also not forget, it's made of netting! So if it ends up in our oceans, it could be really dangerous to marine wildlife, whether through ingestion or getting tangled up in it!
To be clear, we also recommend you replace even our Organic Cotton Poufs regularly; the same goes for all hygiene products, but this won't result in potentially hundreds of years of plastic in landfill!
Why We LOVE Our Organic Cotton Bath Pouf
I don't know about you, but after all of that, I don't think I'll be able to look at a plastic bath pouf the same way again! So here's why you should opt for our Organic Cotton Bath Pouf
Ours are made from 100% Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) Cotton. GOTS Cotton must contain a minimum of 70% certified organic fibres, a product with the label grade grade 'organic' must contain a minimum of 95% certified organic fibres. These natural fibres grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, insecticides, herbicides and GMOs. This kind of organic production maintains the health of our ecosystems, wildlife, soils and people.
They are entirely plant-based and plastic-free! So when they need replacing, they are biodegradable and compostable - no micro-plastics to worry about here! Because they are fabric, not plastic, they are machine washable so they need replacing even less! Just wash on cool and hang to dry.
Our Organic Cotton Bath Pouf won't just make you feel good environmentally, but they are far more luxurious than their plastic counterpart! The fabric we use is super soft when wet, whilst still gently exfoliating and leaving your skin feeling silky smooth. We use a lightweight cotton with a loose weave so they dry faster, but they're still just as durable. The looser weave of the cotton also creates a thick, luscious lather from your favourite bath and shower products - a good lather means less product is needed, so less waste all round!
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