How To Eco-Consciously Declutter
Before you start to declutter, ask yourself, what is your motivation? Is it to live a more minimal lifestyle? Is it to rid your home of plastic? Is it to make way for more things?
Whatever it is, keeping those items you are getting rid of out of landfill is the BEST thing you can do to reduce your environmental impact.
Always consider these tips before trashing your stuff!
Pass It Along
Would friends or family like it? Perhaps pass the item along, offer it up for free (or for sale) on sites like:
I also love Vinted for clothes!
Donate it
Of course there are always charity shops but check with them first what they are in need of or accepting. Don’t just think clothes though, they might accept used furniture, craft items, books and household items too!

Can your item be used for something else? Consider old clothes for cleaning rags for example or your worn out Vegan Leather Lunch Bag as a plant pot.
Get Digital
Select paperless to avoid those bills piling up (and don’t forget to delete the emails once they are no longer needed to avoid unnecessary data usage!)
Read more about how to reduce your digital footprint here..
Clean “Green”
Select eco friendly cleaning products, buy in bulk if you can and avoid using single use cloths and paper towels, instead, try out our reusable, plant based, biodegradable Kitchen None Sponge or Unpaper Towels.
Think before you buy again
This is the single most important thing in a bid to be waste free. Ask yourself if you need the item, whether it will be useful, whether it will bring you joy, Where and how it was made (be wary of the businesses you are supporting) and where is it likely to end its life?